Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Hand sanitizer? No thanks..

I have a germ hubris. I should stop hugging people who have the plague, thinking that I won't get sick. The odds of me defying the basic laws of biology that govern the spread of infectious germs are stacked slightly against my faulty "out of sight out of mind" mentality. Rats. Guess I should have paid more attention in science classes.

Actually, I think I'm just too lazy to worry about one more thing like germs and sickness and stuff. I have enough irrational worries (accompanied by their own set of ridiculously ineffective means to alleviate those worries) to last me a lifetime, so I've just never had time to pay attention to germs.

Unfortunately, not even my good ol' farm-kid, German, Lutheran denial of the obvious is going to work this time. I've been sneezing all day...that's how it started the last time I had this bug. Sorry if you've hugged me in the last day or two. You're probably next on this list.

Maybe I'm wrong, maybe it's just my cat allergy being overly dramatic and I really won't get sick at all. Yes. Yes. That's it. It's nothing, I don't feel sick at all. I actually didn't even realize there was something going around.  Ah, this denial lifestyle dies hard, doesn't it? (Funny thing is, I wish this were an exaggeration. This whole thought process is completely plausable in my least it used to be. Now I just make fun of it and get mean looks from people who try to pretend it's not true. Tee hee.)

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