Thursday, May 30, 2013

Maybe I'm starting to get it...

Am I happy? Yes, absolutely. Is it genuine? Completely. Everyday? Actually, yes. Does that mean I live in a little bubble or in denial or avoidance of real life? Not at all. In fact, quite the opposite...

Today I realized that something is much different. No logical or intellectual explanation that I used to thrive upon seems to explain this-- I found myself in tears, several times today either for my own hurts or for those of others, but every one of those times I cried, I had a thought come into my head that had NEVER been there before--"I'm so thankful, and even sort of glad, that I am exactly where I am, with who I'm with, and feeling like this. It's actually ok. This sorta sucks and hurts, but deep down, I'm still actually really happy. I'm still ok."

In fact, I think I'm learning true compassion. It starts inside and radiates outward.

1 comment:

  1. "I'm still okay."

    That is very similar to what I keep running through my head in the tough moments "I will be okay". That, and "I am enough". I used to find such affirmations cheesy but now I'm finding it's really the first step to living with that being true. Like it is for you now. I am happy for you that you are in that place :)
